Fedora 32 Guide

This is my personal cheat sheet for Fedora 32. Its an easy getting started style guide that I run through on a fresh install. While its intended to work with Fedora 32, this guide should also work with other Fedora releases as well.

Better Updates

Possibly better updates. Maybe. If you have a slow network connection, Delta RPMs only download the changes between packages. It can take longer to install the updates but less time to download. I also recommend adding a line to enable the fastestmirror so that updates will come from a closer server. Even if you don’t want to enable Delta RPMs, still use the fastestmirror to speed up updates.

To enable Delta RPMs and choose the fastest server, edit /etc/dnf/dnf.conf.

 sudo gedit /etc/dnf/dnf.conf 

  Insert the following lines:



After saving the file, run update your system. The -y is optional but allows installation to continue without interruption. The Update can also be used instead of Upgrade.

 sudo dnf -y upgrade 

Enable RPM Fusion free/nonfree repos

RPM Fusion offers packages that cannot be offered in the official Fedora repos for various reasons, typically because the software is non free or proprietary. These instructions are borrowed from RPM Fusion. An RPM is also available that will enable these repos. This command enables free and non free repos.

sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm 

To enable DVD playback in Fedora, enable the Tainted RPM Fusion repo and then install the libdvdcss package.

 sudo dnf install rpmfusion-free-release-tainted 

 sudo dnf install libdvdcss 

Additional hardware support can get into a grey fuzzy area with copyright/licensing/whatever. Honestly, I don’t care but rules vary by country. Be aware of what’s legal locally. I’ve never had to enable this for hardware but I wouldn’t strictly rule out the need either.

 sudo dnf install rpmfusion-nonfree-release-tainted 

 sudo dnf install *-firmware 

AppStream will display the RPM Fusion software in Gnome Software and KDE Discover.

sudo dnf groupupdate core

The following command will adds packages for gstreamer enabled applications.

sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia --setop="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin 

This package install complement packages needed by some applications for sound and video.

sudo dnf groupupdate sound-and-video 

Additional repos can be enabled via Gnome Software. Google’s repo is included and allows installation of Chrome.

Install Apps via Terminal

Most of these applications can be found in the Software Center but, frankly, this is just easier. So copy and Ctrl+Shift+V right into the Terminal.

Gnome Tweak Tool makes it easy to modify the system

sudo dnf install -y gnome-tweak-tool 

VLC is a popular media player.

sudo dnf install -y vlc 

Additional codecs to cover multimedia

sudo dnf install gstreamer1-{plugin-crystalhd,ffmpeg,plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree,-freeworld,-extras}{,-extras}}} libmpg123 lame-libs --setopt=strict=0 -y 

Archive tools

 sudo dnf -y install unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar 


sudo dnf -y install gimp 

QBittorrent – Bittorrent client

sudo dnf -y install qbittorrent 

Spotify – Music playing service

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=http://negativo17.org/repos/fedora-spotify.repo  

sudo dnf -y install spotify-client 

Dropbox – cloud storage

sudo dnf -y install dropbox nautilus-dropbox 

Audacity – audio editor

sudo dnf -y install audacity 

YouTube production program

sudo dnf -y install obs-studio 

GParted – partition management utility

sudo dnf -y install gparted 

Improved fonts. Enable the better fonts repo and then install the fonts.

sudo dnf copr enable dawid/better_fonts 

sudo dnf install fontconfig-enhanced-defaults fontconfig-font-replacements

Chromium or Google Chrome… I debated about adding this one. Mozilla has better respect for your privacy and for web standards. That’s enough reason for me to stick with Firefox. But I keep Chrome on my system to test my website. That said…

sudo dnf install chromium

OR if you want to install full blown Google-ized Chrome. If you want to install a different version, change the package from -stable to -beta or -unstable.

sudo dnf install fedora-workstation-repositories

dnf config-manager --set-enabled google-chrome

sudo dnf install google-chrome-stable

Non Repo Software 

AppImageLauncher is an AppImage management utility. It makes it easier to track which AppImages have been installed on your system, helps to integrate them, and allows the user to easily remove them. It is available for download as an AppImage, DEB, RPM, and Tarball.

Bitwarden is an open source password manager akin to LastPass or 1Pass. It integrates nicely on Android and has autofill ability. It syncs passwords across Android, Linux, ,iOS, OS X, and Windows. Bitwarden can be installed through AppImage, DEB, RPM, and Snap. DEB and RPM packages do not auto update. CLI Tools are available along with browser extensions for most browsers.

Simplenote is a free note taking app developed by Automattic (the WordPress people). Simplenote syncs across virtually everything and supports AppImage, DEB, and RPM. Part of the appeal of Simplenote is markdown support but the other cool thing is WordPress support. Simplenote can be tied to a WordPress account for easy WordPress posting.

Standard Notes is a lot like Simplenote. Its free. Its open source. Its crazy cross platform. If the Automattic/Wordpress relationship makes you uncomfortable or maybe you just don’t need it, try Standard Notes instead. Standard Notes has one big advantage over Simplenote: extensions. Yes, the extensions do cost but they effectively turn Standard Notes into a mini office suite with support for markdown, rich text, LaTeX, and HTML to backup support for Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.

Try a secure email service like Protonmail or Tutanota. Gmail, Outlook, and other free email services offer tons of storage. In exchange, they mine your data to show you ads. Tutanota offers a free AppImage desktop client while Protonmail enables IMAP with a paid plan.


I don’t recommend using many Gnome Extensions. They allow easy customization of the desktop but more than a couple may hurt system performance.

GSConnect works with KDE Connect on Android. Before I go any further: Do not install KDE Connect on your Linux system. It will interfere with GSConnect. GSConnect is the Gnome implementation of KDE Connect. The Android app works with both.

That said, GSConnect allows notification syncing so that your phone calls, messages, and app notifications will all appear on your desktop. Phone battery life is also displayed. It goes beyond just notifications though.

Text messages can be responded to or even started from the desktop. It also opens up file transfers between devices. While I like Google Messages for RCS and web access, it doesn’t compare to the features GSConnect offers.

My other pick is Dash to Dock. Gnome’s default dock is just meh. Dash to Dock opens up more settings options like how to handle clicking on icons (minimize, preview, cycle), theme, size, and so forth.

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